USE CASE Source code delivery YOU MUST Forward Copyright notices YOU MUST Forward License text YOU MUST Forward Warranty disclaimer YOU MUST NOT Promote IF Software modification YOU MUST Use License For Modification ATTRIBUTE No charge ATTRIBUTE Reasonable USE CASE Binary delivery YOU MUST Provide Copyright notices In Documentation OR Distribution material YOU MUST Provide License text In Documentation OR Distribution material YOU MUST Provide Warranty disclaimer In Documentation OR Distribution material YOU MUST NOT Promote EITHER YOU MUST Include Source code OR YOU MUST Provide Delayed source code delivery ATTRIBUTE No profit IF Software modification YOU MUST Use License For Modification ATTRIBUTE No charge ATTRIBUTE Reasonable USE CASE Combined work delivery YOU MUST NOT Promote YOU MUST Use License For Combined work ATTRIBUTE No charge ATTRIBUTE Reasonable IF Source code delivery YOU MUST Forward Copyright notices YOU MUST Forward License text YOU MUST Forward Warranty disclaimer IF Binary delivery YOU MUST Provide Copyright notices In Documentation OR Distribution material YOU MUST Provide License text In Documentation OR Distribution material YOU MUST Provide Warranty disclaimer In Documentation OR Distribution material EITHER YOU MUST Include Source code Of Combined work OR YOU MUST Provide Delayed source code delivery Of Combined work ATTRIBUTE No profit COMPATIBILITY blessing COMPATIBILITY BSD-2-Clause COMPATIBILITY BSD-2-Clause-Patent COMPATIBILITY BSD-3-Clause COMPATIBILITY BSL-1.0 COMPATIBILITY bzip2-1.0.5 COMPATIBILITY bzip2-1.0.6 COMPATIBILITY CC0-1.0 COMPATIBILITY curl COMPATIBILITY EFL-2.0 COMPATIBILITY FSFAP COMPATIBILITY FSFUL COMPATIBILITY FSFULLR COMPATIBILITY FSFULLRWD COMPATIBILITY IBM-pibs COMPATIBILITY ICU COMPATIBILITY ISC COMPATIBILITY Libpng COMPATIBILITY LicenseRef-scancode-ppp COMPATIBILITY MIT COMPATIBILITY NTP COMPATIBILITY Saxpath COMPATIBILITY SGI-B-2.0 COMPATIBILITY SMLNJ COMPATIBILITY Unlicense COMPATIBILITY UPL-1.0 COMPATIBILITY WTFPL COMPATIBILITY X11 COMPATIBILITY Zlib COPYLEFT CLAUSE Yes