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2024-10-25 - 22:47

Dates and Events:

OSADL Articles:

2024-10-02 12:00

Linux is now an RTOS!

PREEMPT_RT is mainline - What's next?

2023-11-12 12:00

Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now

Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists

2023-03-01 12:00

Embedded Linux distributions

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2022-01-13 12:00

Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed

Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached

2021-02-09 12:00

Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched

Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available

OSADL Special Events

OSADL Special Events

OSADL Networking Day 2023

Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Conference Center of DJH Youth Hostel Heidelberg International
Room "Heidelberg 1-3"
Tiergartenstraße 5
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Start of the event: 9am CEST (Get-together from 8:30am CEST)

AgendaHotel recommendation - Registration - Presentations and video clips (member or participant login required)


All regular, associate and academic OSADL members are cordially invited to participate in the OSADL Networking Day 2023. The idea of the event is to offer the OSADL community an opportunity to share their experiences with regard to using and distributing Free and Open Source software (FOSS) in products. This is best done by offering a good mix of conference-style talks on current topics with sufficiently long breaks for networking. The latter can then be continued during a visit to a cultural or technical event and remains the goal when the participants thereafter meet for dinner. It is a special pleasure to host the OSADL Networking Day as an in-person event in Heidelberg again, and the OSADL Team looks forward to welcoming as many OSADL members as possible.

Conference part
The conference part will focus on "AI in industrial automation". It is, however, impossible to cover this topic exhaustively in all its facets in one day. Therefore, we have selected specific perspectives and use cases to illustrate, on the one hand, the challenges of dealing with AI in terms of social interaction and, on the other hand, the impact of AI on professional life. We are pleased and grateful that the experts we approached have accepted our invitation and will share their knowledge with us.

The conference language of the OSADL Networking Day is English. All presentation material will also be in English.

Evening event
Subsequent to the conference session, participants are cordially invited to attend a virtual "Journey through the Universe" in the Heidelberg House of Astronomy (Center for Astronomy Education and Outreach), and after being back from the interstellar voyage, a bus shuttle will take the participants "back to earth" and down to the old town of Heidelberg for dinner in a typical Heidelberg brewery restaurant.

Agenda conference part

Presentations and video clips (previous member or participant login required to display material)


(Click on title to expand display.)

  • Dr.-Ing. Thomas Usländer, Fraunhofer IOSB (Keynote): Thomas Usländer holds a degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Engineering of the KIT, Karlsruhe. He is head of the department Information Management and Production Control. His research focuses on AI systems engineering, agile service engineering and open (geospatial) architectures in the Industrial Internet of Things. He was an invited expert of the European Commission, got the DIN Innovation Award 2017 on Industrie 4.0, is member of the expert panel of the Standardization Council Industrie 4.0 (SCI4.0) and the DIN/DKE high-level coordination group “AI standardization and conformity”. Furthermore, he is co-chair of the industrial community of the International Data Spaces (IDS-I) and chair of the Competence Center Karlsruhe on AI Systems Engineering (CC-KING).
    Research Gate:
  • Dr. Lisa Käde, Zentrum für angewandte Rechtswissenschaft (ZAR) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) : Dr. Lisa Käde is an IT jurist specialized in copyright and machine learning. She completed her legal clerkship (Rechtsreferendariat) in Karlsruhe in April 2023 and is a legal researcher at the Center for Applied Legal Studies (ZAR) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on copyright issues and questions of explainability of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. Her PhD thesis (titled "Kreative Maschinen und Urheberrecht" - "Creative Machines and Copyright") was published in 2021. She is a manager at RAILS (Robotics & AI Law Society e.V.). Moreover, she holds a B.Sc. in business informatics and has a passion for web development and legal tech. She is a member of the German chapter of Creative Commons and has been an active member of the Institute of Free and Open Source Software (ifrOSS) for many years.
  • Prof. Dr. Paul Lukowicz, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Head of the Research Department Embedded Intelligence, Speaker of the Ethics Team at DFKI and Coordinator of HumanE-AI-Nets: Prof. Dr. Paul Lukowicz has been Scientific Director and Head of the Research Unit “Embedded Intelligence” at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern since 2011. Paul Lukowicz studied computer science (Dipl. Inform.) and physics (Dipl. Phys.) at the University of Karlsruhe, where he received his PhD in 1999 on opto-electronic computer architectures. During his subsequent work at ETH Zurich, he established the Wearable Computer Group at the Institute of Electronics between 1999 and 2004. In October 2003 he was appointed Professor of Computer Science at the Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology in Hall in Tyrol (UMIT). Three years later he accepted an appointment at the University of Passau, where he headed the Chair of Applied Computer Science with a focus on Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing. In 2011 Paul Lukowicz accepted the call to the TU Kaiserslautern and since then he has been head of the newly founded research area “Embedded Intelligence” at DFKI. Since 2014 he also manages the DFKI SmartCity Living Lab. His research focuses on cyber-physical systems, pervasive computing and social interactive systems.
  • Nicholas Mc Guire, Open Tech EDV Research: Nicholas Mc Guire is Manager of the Austrian company Open Tech EDV Research. OpenTech was founded in 2003 by Nicholas who was already back then by many considered to be one of the leading experts of real-time GNU/Linux variants and embedded systems running GNU/Linux. This expertise in real-time and embedded systems is still the foundation for OpenTech’s work and has over the years been developed into a specialization on safety-critical systems. This specialization was achieved by successfully conducting a number of projects with a safety critical context in a variety of industrial domains. This combination makes Nicholas also an expert in the use of FLOSS software in safety critical systems. Nicholas has been leading the OSADL SIL2 Linux MP Project since its beginning. 
  • Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL: Carsten Emde has a long history of professional activities in the field of software development, system integration and training, particularly for embedded system software. Carsten is specialized on graphical user interface, robotics, real-time systems and on legal and business aspects of using Open Source software in industry. He has been managing OSADL since its foundation in 2005.
  • Caren Kresse, OSADL: Caren Kresse holds a Master degree in Physics. Already during her studies she used and appreciated the large amount of Open Source software and she became acquainted with all aspects of Open Source communities. In particular, she specialized on legal aspects of conveying Open Source software and has been working on various aspects of Open Source license compliance with OSADL since 2018. Among others, Caren leads the OSADL Open Source Policy project and is deeply involved in the OSADL License Obligations Checklists project. Furthermore, she maintains the OSADL Docker Base Image.
  • Dr. Andreas Fehlner, Trumpf Laser: Dr. Andreas Fehlner studied physics at the University of Regensburg and obtained his Ph.D. in biomedical imaging in Berlin. He works as software engineer for artificial intelligence in pre-development with a focus on transferring ideas in the field of AI to working products at TRUMPF Laser. He is passionate about the goals of Open Source for AI. As an elected member of the ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) Steering Committee, he is committed to establishing this standard.
  • Ing. Stefan Hager, BSc. MMSc., Ginzinger electronic systems: Stefan Hager holds a diploma of the High-School for Electrical Engineering, he finished University of Applied Science Wels with a Master degree in engineering and management and his Master thesis in human-centered computing at University of applied Sciences Hagenberg is about visual programming in home automation. His professional experience includes software development for embedded Linux systems in the areas of applications, kernel drivers, and bootloaders, as well as data science and machine learning for embedded vision systems, namely building and training models optimized for embedded inference. Stefan Hager is working as software developer at Ginzinger electronic systems. In his talk at the OSADL Networking Day he will report on challenges the company encountered when implementing an application that employs artificial intelligence. The described application runs on an i.MX 8M Plus processor from NXP.
  • Julian Vogel, HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik: At age 28 Julian does now have 10 years of experience in the development of control software for industrial machines. He has been mainly working on the development of AI and computer vision applications for the last 4 years. Two of those AI and CV based products have already been launched successfully. He is always interested in new AI technology and real world uses.

Conference language

The conference language of the 2023 OSADL Networking Day is English. All presentation material will be in English, too.

Evening event

16:45: Bus shuttle from DJH Youth Hostel to Haus der Astronomie (House of Astronomy), MPIA-Campus, Königstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany, If you want to go by your own car, a map to calculate directions to the Haus der Astronomie is available here. Parking spaces are available at the House of Astronomy.

17:30: Start of the "Journey through the Universe" in the House of Astronomy

Subsequently: Bus shuttle from the Haus der Astronomie to the restaurant (with stops at DJH Youth Hostel for car pick-up and at Heidelberg main railway station).

From 19:15: Dinner at "Vetter's Alt Heidelberger Brauhaus", Steingasse 9, 69117 Heidelberg, Phone: 06221 - 165850,

Nearest parking possibility: Parking garage P13 Karlsplatz/Rathaus, Karlsplatz, 69117 Heidelberg.

Access to the Networking Day

Please note that the OSADL Networking Day 2023 is an internal OSADL event; thus, participation is actually only open to OSADL regular members, OSADL associate members and OSADL academic members. However, a limited number of seats have been reserved for non-members who are interested in OSADL's work and would like to learn more about OSADL and, particularly, how networking and interaction among members are taking place. These reserved seats for non-members will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.


For registration please use the registration form available here: Registration Networking Day. Please register before June 13, 2023. Participation is free of charge.

Please note that the number of participants of the Networking Day is limited to 100 and we ask for your understanding that we will handle the registrations on a "first come - first served" basis.

Privacy policy

When you register for participation at the event you agree that your personal data entered in the registration form will be processed at OSADL as necessary (see our privacy policy).

You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the imprint page, but this will also cancel your registration.


OSADL has blocked a limited contingent of rooms at the following hotels:

  • Hotel Ibis Heidelberg, Willy Brandt Platz 3, D-69115 Heidelberg, phone +49 6221/9130,; email: H1447-REª Price per person/night: 105 EUR including breakfast. The room contingent is blocked for the nights of June 13 to June 14 and June 14 to June 15, 2023. The room contingent expires on May 19, 2023.

  • KulturBrauerei Heidelberg, Leyergasse 6, D-69117 Heidelberg, phone +49 6221/50298-0,; email: infoª  Price per person/night: 115 EUR excluding breakfast. The room contingent is blocked for the nights of June 13 to June 14 and June 14 to June 15, 2023. The room contingent expires on May 30, 2023.

Please contact the hotels directly, if you wish to book a room at the indicated price from these contingents. The rooms will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the room contingents expire as indicated.

OSADL member login is required to display the booking code to mention when booking a room out of a contingent.

How to get to get to the Conference Center of DJH Youth Hostel Heidelberg International

Conference Center of DJH Youth Hostel Heidelberg International (Konferenzzentrum der DJH Jugendherberge Heidelberg International)
Room "Heidelberg 1-3"
Tiergartenstraße 5
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: +49 6221 65119-0

  • How to get to the Conference Center of DJH Youth Hostel Heidelberg International_1: Detailed plan (PDF), only available in German language
  • How to get to the Conference Center of DJH Youth Hostel Heidelberg International_2: Overview plan (JPG)

By car: 
Coming from expressway A5 or A6, at "Kreuz Heidelberg" please follow expressway A656 direction Heidelberg. At the end of expressway A656 turn left direction "Neuenheimer Feld" and follow the signs "Jugendherberge / Zoo".

Parking spaces are available in the parking garage of Heidelberg Zoo, Tiergartenstraße 3, 69120 Heidelberg. The day pass costs 10 EUR. From the parking garage it's a 3-minute walk to the DJH Conference Center. An overview of all other parking possibilities in the Neuenheimer Feld area can be found here.

Public transportation:
From Heidelberg main station either take bus line 20 (direction Neuenheim Sportzentrum Nord, exit Neuenheim, "Jugendherberge") or take bus 32/31 (direction Neuenheim Kirschnerstraße, exit Neuenheim, "Jugendherberge").

From Heidelberg Bismarckplatz or Universitätsplatz (old town) take bus line 31, direction "Chirurgische Klinik/Kopfklinik" and exit at bus stop "Jugendherberge".

Link to Heidelberg public transportation website: RNV


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Ruf
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13