The OSADL Postcard "Solutions@OSADL"
The title graphics gives a quick overview about the solutions you can expect from OSADL. |
The OSADL company flyer
The OSADL company presentation (short overview version)
Have a look into this short brochure to get an overview of the various OSADL services. |
The OSADL company presentation (long version)
Have a look into this complete brochure, if you would like to learn what OSADL is all about, which services OSADL delivers and how a company may become OSADL member. |
Whitepaper of using Open Source software in industry
Whitepaper zur Nutzung on Open Source-Software in der Industrie
The OSADL QA Farm flyer
Look at this short info flyer to understand the rationale of running a test center and providing long-term monitoring data for quality assessment and assurance of Linux-based embedded systems. |
The OSADL QA Farm description
Read this brochure, if you would like to better understand why OSADL runs its QA Farm and how the provided long-term data may help in the everyday's routine of embedded systems engineers. |
Beschreibung der OSADL QA-Farm
The OSADL OSSelot project
See the back of the OSSeleot flyer to get a first insight into the O project. |