Dates and Events:
OSADL Articles:
2023-11-12 12:00
Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better nowImport the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists
2022-07-11 12:00
Call for participation in phase #4 of Open Source OPC UA open62541 support projectLetter of Intent fulfills wish list from recent survey
2022-01-13 12:00
Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completedAnother important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached
2021-02-09 12:00
Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launchedLetter of Intent with call for participation is now available |
Real Time Linux Workshops
1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015
13th Real-Time Linux Workshop from October 20 to 22 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
Announcement - Hotels - Directions - Agenda - Paper Abstracts - Presentations - Registration - Abstract Submission - Sponsoring - Gallery
"Open Proof" for Railway Safety Software A Potential Way-Out of Vendor Lock-in Advancing to Standardization, Transparency, and Software Security
Klaus-Rüdiger Hase, Deutsche Bahn AG
"Open Proof (OP)" is a new approach for safety and security critical systems and a further development of the Open Source Software (OSS) movement, not just applying OSS licensing concepts to the final software products itself, but also to the entire life cycle and all software components involved, including tools, documentation for specification, verification, implementation, maintenance and in particular including safety case documents. A potential field of applying OP could be the European Train Control System (ETCS) the new signaling and Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system to replace some 20 national legacy signaling systems in all over the European Union. The OP approach might help manufacturers, train operators, infrastructure managers as well as safety authorities alike to eventually reach the ambitious goal of an unified fully interoperable and still affordable European Train Control and Signaling System, facilitating fast and reliable cross-border rail traffic at state of the art safety and security levels.